Stories and Memories about Grandmothers/Nanas

In about a month or so a new book about grandmothers will be published. A tentative title is “Grandmothers Who Stand Watch” and is edited by Robin McGee.

I am lucky enough to have my story about my Nana published in this wonderful book.

I will update you on more info when the book is available.

“Full Circle” Poetry Book is for Sale

If anyone is interested in purchasing my poetry book “Full Circle” I’ve included a sample poem below. It is for sale on and from this website. If you write me here and include your email we can connect.

    st-pierre-full-cover-july-28                                                Dark Days

She gazes

through the hazed window

at an overcast sky

hiding a dull gray lake.

Mountains and trees, enshrouded in fog,

invisible behind endless rain.

Trenches open in spring grass

causing rivulets of pain

She waits patiently at the window

reflecting on former days hidden

from sunshine –

dark days like today.

I’m Now On Facebook!!!

It took me a long time to make the transition to Facebook but I’ve finally done it. I’m now part of the social media.

I’m gathering old friends and hopefully making some new ones. It’s a great way to reach out to people. I also have an author’s page where people can go to see my recent work.

I’ve met some other poets and writers and it’s fun to read their posts and see some of there work.

See you there…..