About Me

DSC_1291I began writing when I was in high school. I continued writing poetry while in college and after I married I began writing children’s fiction stories. After taking a hiatus from writing for several years I started to write again. After the death of my oldest son, I branched out to include both children’s and adult’s works along with poetry I was lucky to have three poetry books published. At that time I also took up photography. Since then I have had photos on covers and included in many magazines and journals.

My poetry has won awards and honorable mentions. My first chapbook “Reality of Life” was published by Foothills Publishing (www.foothillspublishing.com) where you can purchase a copy. My second chapbook  “Theater of Life”   can be ordered now at www.finishinglinepress.com or www.Amazon.com. “Theater of Life” was nominated for the New England/Pen/LL Winship 2010 award. My third poetry book “Full Circle” contains both poems and some photos. It was published by Kelsay Books.  You can order a book through me or on http://www.Amazon.com.

Just recently I completed my first photographic essay of which I am very proud.

Writing is a lonely profession because you cannot depend on anyone to spur you on. You must be able to “catch the muse” and go with it. You cannot give up. You must believe in yourself and your work.

No matter what, if you want to have some success you must continue to believe in yourself and your work. Don’t be afraid to join acritique group or go to conferences. You need feedback from others. You don’t have to listto all critiquers but you must be able to sift through and realize that by taking some suggestions you can improve your writing.

I was always drawn to Emily Dickinson’s poetry. The simplistic way she wrote appealed to me, although I don’t like rhyming poems.

I believe the hardes thing for a writer is rejection letters. All of us write what we feel isthe best we can do. When that work is rejected, especially by more than one publisher, we feel it’s a personal rejection. The thing to remember is it’s not person but the editor is saying this doesn’t click with me; somethig is missing to make me say “yes”. But remember if an editor feels your work has potential he/she will work with you until they feel it’s ready for publication.


5 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Gede Prama

    Thank you for sharing this article quite interesting and, hopefully true happiness rays began to warm our hearts, when we can share it with sincerity. Greetings from Gede Prama 🙂


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