A Nice Way to End the Year!!

I just received an email that one of my photos “The Country Farmhouse” will be on the inside back cover of a print magazine entitled Whisperings put out by Mountain Tales Press.

It’s a classy high caliber magazine that isn’t easy to get accepted into. So I am so pleased and am ending 2013 on a high.

When the winter issue is available for purchase I will let you know and you can see a thumbnail sketch.

Two Photos Were Accepted…..

Touch the Journal of healing is a print magazine on sale from the website or from Amazon. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it you should take a look at it.

They just accepted two of my photos. One for this fall issue (which is running late) and the other for a possible cover in the Spring.

Nice editors to work with. Will supply link when available.

If Connecticut Snow Remains We’ll Have a White Christmas

“White Christmas” was heard playing in the background as we decorated our Christmas tree. A blanket of snow is currently covering the ground and the cardinals perched on the bare tree branches bring color to our backyard.

If we’re lucky and the clean white snow remains we, in Connecticut, will have a white Christmas. That doesn’t happen very often anymore.DSC_0217

Our Christmas is celebrated a few days before the 25th because our son (who lives in Maryland) visits with us a few days before.

May everyone find peace, joy, and love throughout this season and through 2014.