ProQuest Selected My Article on the Luna Moth

My nonfiction children’s article “The Beautiful Luna Moth” which was published by was selected to be included by the illustrious ProQuest online research company for their K-12 database. They are a subscription research tool used by schools and libraries and they have topics from 90,000 sources. My article will soon be available for all schools and libraries who have access to ProQuest.

I am thrilled that my article was selected as an information piece for students.

Featured Author of the Week

I just received an email from the publisher Alfie Dog Limited that I am the featured author on their website for 2 weeks.

Alfie Dog is a publisher of short stories for both children and adults. These stories can be downloaded on Kindle and other devices for a small sum.

You will find several of my children’s stories available for downloading.

The article with photo can be found at Look under the column “Featured” and you will find my bio and short stories.

Thrilled to be recognized…..

Luna Moth Article

If any of you have seen a large green luna moth with purple spots you know how beautiful they can be.

I have always been fascination by this moth which is as pretty as a butterfly.

Have your children read the Beautiful Luna Moth article (with photo) in which I wrote and published. I am sure that they will find this moth fascinating.

I want to apologize to all my followers for now responding over the last few months. I have had a total hip replacement and my writing was secondary. But now that the worst is over you will hear from me frequently.